Host cancellation policy - Collibay
Host cancellation policy

Host cancellation policy

If you need to cancel a confirmed reservation, it’s important to do so as soon as possible. Go to your reservations, find the reservation you need to cancel, and click Cancel. You should also contact your guest to apologize for the inconvenience.

When a reservation’s status is Canceled, you’ll be recorded as the party responsible for initiating the cancellation in our system. Because host cancellations require additional customer support, and generate additional costs for securing last-minute accommodations, the following actions are applied:

Your calendar will remain blocked for the time period of the reservation. Our system does this automatically, to prevent another guest from booking unavailable times at your listing.

You may be subject to a cancellation fee, if you cancel more than one time in a six-month period. This fee, taken from your next payout, will help offset the cost of securing a last-minute booking for your guest. The fee will be 500 SEK for each cancellation after the first cancellation in a six-month period, or 1 000 SEK for each cancellation after the first cancellation in a six-month period, made on a reservation that begins in seven days or less.

If you cancel before a reservation begins, your guest will receive a full refund and you will not receive a payout. If you cancel an active reservation, your cancellation policy will no longer determine your payout, and your guest will be fully refunded for the time that they did not stay in your space.