Press Inquiries & media - Collibay
Press Inquiries & media

Press Inquiries and Media

Press Inquiries

Our team loves working with journalists to share interesting and unique stories. If you are a member of the press and would like to hear more, please get in touch with us or send a mail to

Press Releases

April 2019 - Link: Collibay transforms data into sustainable workplaces (Swedish)

Collibay is expanding their offering and is seriously committed to the fight for sustainability. The concept that is currently being installed with the first customers is based on optimizing the design and use of office premises based on measurements of employee movement patterns. A combination of sensors, analytics, advice on layout and design, and the Collibay Booking Platform forms a learning system unique in the market. Customers are now, in a controlled manner, able to follow up on real usage and put in place measures to continuously increase level of space utilisation.

February 2018 - Link: Collibay challenges the large rental companies (Swedish)

The newly established Gothenburg company Collibay challenges established rental companies with a innovative service that connects companies that have partially or completely unused premises, workplaces and meeting rooms, with companies looking for spaces for their operation. The concept that is currently being rolled out in major Swedish cities resembles the Airbnb concept, but today there is no similar player in the corporate market.

Collibay in the Press


Gothenburg Post: Collibay - Airbnb for Office Space



Lokalnytt: Collibay Challenges the Rental Business